Technical article

Air separation equipment molecular sieve 13x APG


Recently, a chemical engineering company successfully applied molecular sieve 13x APG  technology to air separation equipment to improve the efficiency and performance of the equipment. The successful application of this technology will bring better quality of life to people in many fields. 
Molecular sieve 13x APG is a type of molecular sieve made from hydrophilic zeolite materials. It has high selectivity and adsorption performance, and can be used to separate and purify components in gas mixtures. By embedding molecular sieve 13x APG into the equipment, the chemical engineering company has successfully achieved an efficient oxygen/nitrogen separation process.
In traditional air separation equipment, low-temperature separation (Linde Hampson process) or pressure friction (PSA process) are usually used to achieve the separation of oxygen/nitrogen. Although these methods are relatively mature, there are certain issues of energy consumption and low efficiency.
The advantages of using molecular sieve 13x APG in air separation equipment are very obvious. Oxygen molecules are selectively adsorbed by molecular sieve 13x APG, while nitrogen can be released through the sieves, achieving effective separation of oxygen/nitrogen. Subsequently, by adjusting parameters such as gas flow rate and pressure, high-purity production of oxygen and nitrogen can be achieved,
Firstly, it can provide more precise separation and capture of gas molecules, thereby reducing carbon emissions and saving energy. Secondly, it can significantly improve the productivity and efficiency of equipment, making the entire process more economical, environmentally friendly, and sustainable.
In addition, molecular sieve 13x APG can also be widely used in other fields, such as natural gas separation, air purification, catalyst carriers, sewage treatment, and so on. Therefore, the successful application of this technology will not only bring commercial benefits to the company, but also promote technological innovation and development in various industries.
In general, the successful application of molecular sieve 13x APG in air separation equipment shows us the great potential of chemical engineering technology in practical application. It can not only improve production efficiency and reduce energy consumption, but also promote sustainable development and environmental protection.

How to replace molecular sieve? The following steps can be followed:
1. Turn off the gas source and evacuate the gas from the system;
2. Open the inlet and outlet valves of the equipment and remove the old molecular sieve 13x APG from the equipment. Pay attention to safe operation and avoid inhalation or contact with dust;
3. Disassemble the new molecular sieve 13x APG and wash it with clean nitrogen gas to remove any impurities and dust that may exist on the surface;
4. According to the equipment requirements, perform appropriate screening and select molecular sieves with appropriate particle size ranges;
5. Pack the molecular sieve in clean plastic bags and transport it to the equipment site;
6. Carefully pour the new molecular sieve 13x APG into the equipment, taking care not to overfill or compact the molecular sieve to avoid affecting its adsorption efficiency;
7. Close the filling port and seal it. Turn on the air source and restart the device;
8. After the equipment is operating normally, conduct leak testing and performance testing to ensure that the new molecular sieve 13x APG can function properly
Please note that when replacing molecular sieve, it is necessary to follow the operating procedures and relevant safety measures of the equipment.

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Tracy Chen
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