Technical article

The performance of stainless steel pall ring


Stainless steel pall ring is a new type of filling material that has been improved to improve some of the main shortcomings of the Raschig ring. It is made by opening eight rectangular small windows on the wall of the ordinary Rasch ring, with the small window blades overlapping at the center of the ring and the upper and lower window positions overlapping each other.
The geometric characteristic data of tower packings mainly includes specific surface area, void ratio, filler factor, etc., which are the basic parameters for evaluating the performance of tower packings.
1. The specific surface area per unit volume of filler is called the specific surface area, denoted by a, and its unit is m2/m3. The larger the specific surface area of the filler, the larger the gas-liquid mass transfer area provided. Therefore, the specific surface area is an important indicator for evaluating the performance of fillers.
2. The volume of voids in a unit volume of filling material is called the void fraction, expressed in e and expressed in m3/m3 or %. The larger the porosity of the filler, the greater the ability of gas to pass through and the lower the pressure. Therefore, porosity is another important indicator for evaluating the performance of fillers.
3. The ratio of the specific surface area of the filler to the third power of the porosity, i.e. a/e3, is called the filler factor, expressed in f, and its unit is 1/m. It indicates the fluid mechanics performance of the packing. The smaller the f value, the smaller the flow resistance.

The performance of stainless steel pall ring tower packing mainly depends on below points:
1. Has a large specific surface area (m2/m3 of filler layer);
2. The liquid has good uniform distribution performance on the surface of the filler;
3. The airflow can be evenly distributed in the packing layer;
4. The filler has a large porosity (m3/m3 of filler layer);
5. Under the same operating conditions, the larger the specific surface area of the filler, the more uniform the gas-liquid distribution, and the better the surface wettability, the higher the mass transfer efficiency; The larger the porosity of the filler and the more open the structure, the greater the flux and the lower the pressure drop;
6. The selection of stainless steel ball ring fillers includes determining the type, specification, and material of the filler. The selected filler should not only meet the requirements of the production process, but also reduce equipment investment and operating costs.
Due to its excellent design process, stainless steel pall ring has the characteristics of high flux, reduced pressure, and high efficiency during use. At present, it is used in packed towers in industries such as fertilizers, petrochemical, and environmental protection, and is highly favored by customers due to its long service life and affordable price.

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Tracy Chen
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