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It's the once-a-year field expansion day of OIM Chemical, and our person are looking forward to this "big challenge". The location we chose is Fenghuang Springs in Pingxiang, and professional coaches have been hired to arrange one-day expansion projects for us, activities is from simple to difficult. Everyone's emotions were lost, happy, and uplifted with the success or failure of the project.
Through the outdoor development training, we feel deeply that everyone understands the true meaning of a team, what is a team, what is communication, and what is collaboration. To accomplish a goal in a team, there is no leader. It is necessary to use everyone's mind to find the most suitable plan. But at the same time, there must also be a leadership role in the team, which plays a major role. This is where we always need to learn.
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Spread your passion in OIM

+86 799 6666455

+86 18179910932
Tracy Chen
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